Manage deposits to the aave_v3 `targets`
Manage deposits to the ankr `targets`
Manage deposits to the aura `targets`
Manage deposits to the balancer `targets`
Manage deposits to the convex `targets`
Manage deposits to the lido `targets`
Manage deposits to the rocket_pool `targets`
Manage deposits to the stader `targets`
address _spender
uint256 _value
tuple singleSwap
tuple funds
uint256 limit
uint256 deadline
bytes32 poolId
address sender
address recipient
tuple request
address spender
uint256 amount
uint256 value
uint256[2] _amounts
uint256 _min_mint_amount
uint256 _burn_amount
int128 i
uint256 _min_received
uint256[2] _min_amounts
uint256 _max_burn_amount
address usr
uint256 wad
address _rewardPoolAddress
address _inputToken
uint256 _inputAmount
bytes32 _balancerPoolId
tuple _request
uint256 _pid
uint256 _amount
bool _stake
address guy
uint256 i
uint256 j
uint256 dx
uint256 min_dy
address comet
address src
bool shouldAccrue
int128 j
address _account
bool _claimExtras
bool claim
address asset
address gauge
address[] assets
address to
address reward
address addr
bool can_deposit
tuple params
uint256 rawAmount
uint128 osTokenShares
address receiver
address referrer
tuple harvestParams
uint256 osTokenShares
uint256 positionTicket
uint256 timestamp
uint256 exitQueueIndex
uint256 shares
uint256[2] amounts
uint256 min_mint_amount
uint256 _token_amount
uint256 _min_amount
address onBehalfOf
uint16 referralCode
tuple order
uint32 validDuration
uint256 feeAmountBP
address gauge_addr
bool useAsCollateral
address dst
bytes32[] actions
bytes[] data
address deposit
address lp_token
uint256 n_coins
address[] coins
uint256[] amounts
bool use_underlying
bool use_dynarray
address pool